Things that Matter

I’ve been sporadic in my writing lately. It’s hard sometimes coming up with something that matters and personally, I want to write about things that matter and add value to the reader and leave me with a feeling of accomplishment.

Perhaps I’ve had a difficult time writing these past days because the words don’t connect to my mission. I think we all have a mission and mine is to educate. When I learn something, I love to share it. When I find a website or resource that teaches, instructs, educates, illuminates and makes me think. I want others to know about these as well.

What I love more than teaching is learning and I am usually thrilled to find a resource that offers me something new. What sites do you visit to find that golden nugget? Any places you bookmark and visit on a regular basis?

I’ll be writing what I learn – I hope you stick around and teach me as well.

Mission to Learn

8 thoughts on “Things that Matter

  1. You left us with a very interesting question. I am about to run out the door though, and will have to come back to answer. So . . . as I tell my husband and use to tell my kids when I was in a time bind and couldn’t converse on a deep subject in the moment, “hold that thought. . . I’ll be back.”


  2. Honestly, I find richness and lessons in all the blogs I read. Sure, now and then, a post might resonate on a deeper level but overall I love reading, reciprocating and learning from my blog buddies… For instance this post offered some solid insights and posed a great question and that is what I love about our community.
    Sure, like you, I want to write about things that matter and add value to the reader; sometimes we do it brilliantly and sometimes we barely scratch the surface… and you know, that is okay too. It’s all part of the blogging process; part of our growth.
    I enjoyed reading this post. 8)


  3. I did make it back. . . but not as soon as I had hoped.

    There are blogs~learning blogs~ that teach and inspire me:
    Mirth and Motivation; Spirit Lights the Way; Touch 2 Touch; Analyfe; and I know this sounds macabre, but one fascinating blog that I always learn from (history) is “Cemetery Travel: Adventures in Graveyards Around the World” . . . you have to take my word on that one, it really is interesting and educational! always has very interesting videos and posts.

    I enjoy photo blogs because I am a visual person/learner, and good photography feeds my spirit.

    There is a lot more I could say, but you get the gist.



  4. Any time I read one of your posts, you have added value to my life. Doesn’t matter the topic.

    Without a kind of psycho-babble it’s difficult to say this; you reveal some of yourself in each post. Like, you are active in your community, you enjoy travel and photography, you are creative and have an eye for aesthetics…Just a couple of things I remember without going back and reviewing your posts. I look forward to you finding your way clear of the doldrums…or, whatever it is…til next time….


  5. Thanks for sharing your favorite learning blogs — that’s what makes this all special – you put it out there and I’m off checking them out and leaving comments. What a magical place!


  6. Thanks for your kind words. Strange isn’t it the amount of information we can share with each other by hitting submit, reply and send? And how we can open up our lives, share our issues, air dirty laundry and offer hope to one another? So, how do we take this above and beyond where we are? A collaborative project? Something global?


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