No Comfort Zone: Weekly Challenge 2012

Where do I go from here?

I’ve been hearing some wonderful suggestions on 2012 challenges. Read a book a week, take a daily walk, take a photo a day, make a list of 101 items to complete in 1001 days, 1000 words a day challenge, read classic books, get fit, and on and on.

No comfort zone tagWhat I’m looking for is a “Get out of your comfort zone” challenge. I’ve looked high and low and realized I have to create one all by myself.

So if you’re ready to shake things up a bit,  keep reading to learn about the No Comfort Zone Challenge [NoCZ-2012]. Here’s my challenge:

  • Once a week from Sunday January 1, 2012 through Tuesday January 1, 2013 plan to do something out of the ordinary and blog about it each week.

These things don’t have to be earth shattering but they have to be different from your ordinary course of action.

Whether you decide to take a different route home, read a book by a new author or a magazine about a topic you are unfamiliar with or drink a new type of wine or work on a crossword puzzle, visit a new website, increases your daily steps, try a different workout routine, listen to new singer, try a new food, attend a poetry reading or lecture and then blog about it.

Some things you choose to do may be dramatic; most things will be changing the way you usually do things like brushing your teeth with your non-dominant hand or listening to a different radio station as you drive.

I plan to shake things up – care to join me?

If you decide to join, include this No Comfort Zone image on your website and invite others to join as well. Then let me know so I can visit you and see what you’ve been up to…

Visit my NoCZ-2012 page and see what others are sharing and get ideas for your weekly challenge.


20 thoughts on “No Comfort Zone: Weekly Challenge 2012

  1. mkmercurio

    Yes, a new way to connect with a whole group of high energy people. And if they’re not high energy – they will be when we get going!


  2. Pingback: Challenge Yourself and Thank Me Later! | Inside Out Cafe

  3. mkmercurio

    Well, even if you don’t join be sure to follow the blog and see what ideas I come up with to keep my brain cells popping, ok? However, it’s always much for fun to pop together!


  4. Pingback: accepting the challenge « Joss Burnel – The Crowing Crone

  5. Once again, my dear friend Joss has led me to a blog post that really resonates. Yes – and the underlying excuses are already chattering away in my mind – I’m joining you in this challenge. Will blog the post on my site today.

    This is just what my spirit needs – a focus on soul expansion for 2012 – one that I can really own and honor – even in spite of fears and doubts. Looking forward to reading what others experience as well. Here we go!!

    I’m certain the heart whispers will guide us all…and so that will be my focus in connecting to each week’s step forward. Tune in, listen, animate.

    Love & gratitude. xo


  6. OK… Sooo, it occurs to me that doing something creative each day and getting out of my comfort zone really go hand in hand. When I am doing something creative, I am stepping beyond the bounds of comfort. I’m taking the challenge, but doing so in a kind and gentle way. NO beating myself up! Looking forward to an interesting and fun-filled, creative 2013!


  7. Pingback: No Comfort Zone-2012 Challenge Begins Soon! | Inside Out Cafe

  8. Pingback: YOLO (“You Only Live Once”) Boarding « Spirit Lights The Way

  9. Pingback: Anticipating the No Comfort Zone-2012 Challenge | Inside Out Cafe

  10. Pingback: New Year Challenges: 2012 Here We Come! | Inspired Vision

  11. Pingback: Breaking Down the Box | A Heart's Whispers

  12. Pingback: First Weekly Challenge for 2012 « New Buzz from the Bagg Lady

  13. Pingback: No Comfort Zone-2012 Challenge Begins Soon! « Inside Out Cafe

  14. Pingback: NoCZ-2012 week two | Crowing Crone Joss

  15. Pingback: We are who we choose to be: NoCZ-2012 « Inside Out Cafe

  16. Pingback: I did it again | Crowing Crone Joss

  17. Pingback: No Comfort Zone Update – September 2012 « Inside Out Cafe

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