Candle Lighter Award Reaches Critical Mass

Candle lighter award imageA heartfelt thanks is sent to Jackie at A Heart Whispers for nominating me for the Candle Lighter’s Award. It was originally created by Kate Kresse as a tribute to writers who offer hope and light in the course of their writing. This award is received with warmth and appreciation and I will gladly pass it on!

I am meeting so many amazing people who are blazing new territory and writing about their experiences. Our stories are coming alive as we put a little bit more of ourselves out there. It’s scary and yet with each bold action, post or poem by one, we all gain momentum.

Long ago, I read about The Hundredth Monkey. It is a phenomenon about monkeys who learned to wash their potatoes before eating them. It happened slowly but once the number reached 100 the added energy burst through some magical wall and the entire population followed suit. Most important of all was across the seas on other islands and mainlands this was also happening. The underlying belief is when a certain critical number achieves awareness, this new awareness may be communicated from mind to mind.

The critical mass is working in our favor too. Slowly we are writing from the heart. We are showcasing our talents. We are expressing our desires. We are surrendering to sadness. We are becoming more alive.

I believe we are united in ways I can’t even conceive. Does this make any sense to you?

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12 thoughts on “Candle Lighter Award Reaches Critical Mass

  1. Congratulations. Why is it that even though we are both using WordPress, everytime I want to comment here I have to log in? Strange, I don’t have to do that with others on WordPress.


  2. Congratulations! You certainly deserve this award! You always have an upbeat, positive outlook and you do bring light to others. Perfect! (thanks for the pingback) The light certainly is spreading. Wonderful! 😉


  3. HI Judy,

    The light is spreading, isn’t it? I enjoy the blogging process but it was becoming a chore so I decided it needed to be taken to the next level! And Whoosh! Here we are! Thanks for your comments, your words and the lovely pictures on your blog!


  4. Congratulations, MK. Monkeys on the Island… I too heard this story – long ago, 1981. It was in an early personal growth seminar. I have watched the lights come on for 30 years. Yes, we are all connected and the light is growing… and it feels sweet!


  5. Pingback: What makes you come alive? « Inside Out Cafe

  6. Civilization grew in the beginning from the minute that we had communication — particularly communication by sea that enabled people to get inspiration and ideas from each other and to exchange basic raw materials. The real things haven’t changes…just become much faster. I have always believed life is about connections made…thank you for this one!

    Be well,


  7. Congratulations!! Browsing your blog, reading your words I can see why this award is so deserving.
    I try to surround myself only with upbeat, positive folks with a somewhat healthy zest for life.
    This I find in your blog.

    Keep up the great work, I shall return.


  8. congratulations….what a beautiful idea and a beautiful honor to be awarded. i tend to over quote this one thing that Joss said about if we all join hands we will circle the world but i love that thought and i see it being manifested everywhere, including here….


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